28 Ocak 2016 Perşembe

Refleciton Task 2b

I want to talk about 'Friends' the tv serie lasting from 1994 to 2004. It lasted for ten seasons. I watched it before two years, nevertheless, it has still impact on me. Even, I have wathed the episodes which are my favorites again and again. Frist of all, I want to introduce the characters in the serial. There are three men and three women who are friends with each other and there is one couple whis has sister- brother relationship, Monica and Ross.The girls anf the boys have flates in the same floor. They have sincere relationship for each other. The girls, Monica, Rachel, Pheebe are like sisters and the boys Chandler, Ross, Joey are like brothers. The serial is aout their daily events and changing relationships between them. Friends was created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, and it was  filmed in California Studios in front of viewers. The events in the serial were happening in Manhattan, New York. I love Friends because of many reasons. Its characters are amazing. I love each of them. Each character has special feature different from the others. For instance, Chandler, my bestie, can make jokes in every situation and they are really perspective. Joey is really womanizer and talkative one. He is also fuuny such as Chandler. Ross, maybe the most desperative one in the serial, has several unwanted relationsihps and marries and divorces three times.Monica, is the most meticulous person in the serial. She is really obsessive with the cleaning thing.Rachel, on the other hand, is little bit messy and  reckless. Pheebe is my second favorite character. She is different from others and special features.  I recommend it to all people which read this writing. You will never be regretful.I think that eveyone can find something for himself from this tv serial. The friendship is told in a perfect way thay you will want friends such these.

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