28 Ocak 2016 Perşembe

Peer Evaluations

http://hayriyekanli.blogspot.com.tr/2016/01/reflection-task-3.html?showComment=1453993684773#c7288096659861995785buraya tıkla

http://aybukeguzen.blogspot.com.tr/2016/01/reflection-task-2a-social-network.html?showComment=1453994919423#c5559512232948489797buraya tıkla

http://arzukana1996.blogspot.com.tr/2015/12/the-news-is-beauthy-in-eyelid-ofthe.html?showComment=1453995802167#c7460291450137907262buraya tıkla

free reflection task 3

I would like to talk about ‘Little Prince’ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Although I do not finish reading it, I  have irresistible desire to speak of it. Actually I have two main reasons to talk over this story. One is that an animation, Le Petit Prince, has been filmed this year. This aroused my interest to the book, Little Prince. Actually I wondered what is going on in this book that it could influence people. Moreover, I have a close friend who is nuts about it. The Little Prince can be considered as a passion for her. She also leads me to read this book. Therefore I started to read it.  Second reason why I wanted to mention this story  is that the Little Prince is not only for children but also for adults. It  includes essential ideas for adults. Maybe this is the reason for its reputation and popularity. Now, I would like to share some points about the book.  From the first pages, the book has a great impact on me. The different perspective of the writer has shocked me. This book is absolutely different from the others. Especially, if we think about the time when the book is written, we can easily see it is different. There is one point in the beginning that is really special for me. There is a boa constrictor which swallowed its  prey, and it takes the shape of the hunt. It looks like a hat. When our teller, the pilot character ask what it looks like, he is said that it is a hat and there is nothing to be get scared of it. Therefore, the plot when he was a child gives up the idea to be a painter. Then, he meets the Little Prince coming from another planet. Thus, their adventure has begun. I cannot talk about the whole story because I have not finished, yet. However, I could not wait for the ending. I think each adult and each child should read it at least for once. I think it is very beneficial for improvement of a child. Additionally, it can also broaden the parents’ horizons and strengthen the relationship between children and parents.

Free reflection task 2

I would like to talk about Eveline by James Joyce. I want to summarize the story first. In this story there is a girl who lost her mother and brother and feels lonely. The girl has several responsibilities such as working in a store, taking care of her brother and doing houseworks. She has a boyfriend named Frank. Although her father does not want her to see him, she ignores her dad and keeps meeting him. By the way her father attitude towards her is not sincere. Her father does not treat her as he does to his son. Because of all these sad things she sanks into despair and decides to go with her lover to set a new life. However, she changes her mind at the last moment and she stays. Now, I want to share my two opinions on the story. The first one is that this story touches my feelings. The writer describes the girl, her feelings, the situation she is in effectively. I have chance to empathize with her. I thought what would I have done if I were her. Additionally, the events are such realistic that I couln’t help thinking how poor she is. The second is about the ending. The writer does not specify why she does not go with her lover. In my opinion, there is two possible reasons. One is that she never loves him and that’s why she does not want to go with him. The other one is that she loves him; nevertheless, she cannot face up to not come back and not see her family again. These are just my  thoughts, we do not know certainly why she does change her mind. In conclusion, although some points are not clear in my mind, I enjoyed this short story. 

Free refletion task 1

‘’Our social tools are not an improvement to modern society; they are a challenge to it.’’ Clay Shirky.

      The writer thinks that the interest we have towards social tools such as smart phones, laptops etc. is not a reliable criterion for the idea of constructing a modern society. Moreover, she asserts that using social tools are a challenge to improve modern society. I agree with the writer because in my opinion, social tools have more disadvantages than advantages. The first one is people’s extreme interest on constantly renewing technology. They spend effort to catch up with it by trying to have the latest social tools. This gives them nothing but unhappiness. Second, the communication between people is decreased and restricted as a consequence of using those tools. People prefer to type rather than speak face to face even if they are in the same place. Thus, people start losing their ability to express themselves in an effective way. Third, information pollution has showed up because of the excessive use of social media. Each person, no matter how much he knows about an issue can write on it on the Internet. People can easily reach these written on the Internet. However, due to unrestrained use and abundance of information, people have difficulty in discerning what is right or wrong. On the whole, since people face more negative sides of social media tools than positive ones, I totally agree with the writer.

Reflection Ta

steve harvey ile ilgili görsel sonucu       steve harvey ile ilgili görsel sonucu
I want to share my ideas about this man. His name is Steve Harvey. He was presenter in Miss Universe 2015 and he is famous for making wrong announcement for the winner of the contest. I know he does ot have a good reputation, but I do not have to choose oe who has perfect inpact on  us to share, right?This man announced Colombian girl as the winner of the contest, after this he corrected his fault and said that the winner was not Colombia, The Philipinnes. By the way Colombia side was really happy because they thought that they were the winner and the other hand, the Philippinnes are sad.Then, with correction it is the time for the Pihilippines to be happy. This event have took place in social media espacially in facebook. Many jokes and caps have been still making on this issue. For instance, Leonardo DiCaprio could not take the Oscar and using this many people have made caps about this stuff. Actullay, this is a huge mistake. If someone is in front of people and cameras, he has no chance to make mistake.This is general belief, however, presenters are human  being, too .I do not approve such mistakes but the thing that I want to share is that it is possible to make mistakes for even the famous names. We should not scare of making mistakes and we are supposed to improve ourselves by correcting previous mistakes.

Refleciton Task 2b

I want to talk about 'Friends' the tv serie lasting from 1994 to 2004. It lasted for ten seasons. I watched it before two years, nevertheless, it has still impact on me. Even, I have wathed the episodes which are my favorites again and again. Frist of all, I want to introduce the characters in the serial. There are three men and three women who are friends with each other and there is one couple whis has sister- brother relationship, Monica and Ross.The girls anf the boys have flates in the same floor. They have sincere relationship for each other. The girls, Monica, Rachel, Pheebe are like sisters and the boys Chandler, Ross, Joey are like brothers. The serial is aout their daily events and changing relationships between them. Friends was created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, and it was  filmed in California Studios in front of viewers. The events in the serial were happening in Manhattan, New York. I love Friends because of many reasons. Its characters are amazing. I love each of them. Each character has special feature different from the others. For instance, Chandler, my bestie, can make jokes in every situation and they are really perspective. Joey is really womanizer and talkative one. He is also fuuny such as Chandler. Ross, maybe the most desperative one in the serial, has several unwanted relationsihps and marries and divorces three times.Monica, is the most meticulous person in the serial. She is really obsessive with the cleaning thing.Rachel, on the other hand, is little bit messy and  reckless. Pheebe is my second favorite character. She is different from others and special features.  I recommend it to all people which read this writing. You will never be regretful.I think that eveyone can find something for himself from this tv serial. The friendship is told in a perfect way thay you will want friends such these.

Reflection Task 2a

 Hello, I want to share my ideas and interests in Spain and its culture. First of all I would say that I've been interested in Spain since  2010. After I watched world fotball cup 2010, I noticed that I feel close to Spain in terms of culture and personality of people from Spain.Then, I started to search about more Spain and I thought that I am really curious about Latinos. I have curiosity about not only for their culture but also for the language Spanish and Porteguese, but, especially for Spanish. Spanish is being talked almost all around the world such as English maybe that's why I want to learn this language. Then, I started to look for Spanish artists and I found many, The spanish have several names who ae really important for humanity in the history. Moreover, I have been interested in Spanish sporter such as Gerard Pique, Andres Iniesta, Rafael Nadal, and singers such as Enrique Iglesias, and so on. The thing encauraging me to learn Spanish is listening to songs from Shakira. Although she is not from Spain, she is from Colombia, she speaks Spanish, so, she has really big impact on me. I am also interested in famous places in Spain. I want to go Barcelona first, then Madrid, Granada. Thre are adorable places to be visited. However, Spain and Spanish are not known that much in our country. There are ways to arouse the attention of people. Spain can be introduced in a good way, and it is possible to arrange some exibitions about it. For Spanish, from highschool Spanish courses can be available for students. Besides German and French, Spanish also should be in choices
